Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Williams Halloween Party
Here is a great picture of the Host and Hostess of the Williams Family Halloween Party. You guys rock. Thanks for opening up the house and freaking us all out.
Halloween Pre-view
I haven't been able to get my other Halloween picts off of my new camera but here is one courtesy of my friend Shaunee. She was taking picts at our ward trunk or treat. I had great fun being Sarah Palin and I shook a lot of hands. When you are pregnant people want to touch your stomach, when you are a political figure everyone wants to shake your hand. Alas, it was still not enough.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Birthday Celebrations
For those of you who don't know three years ago I moved my birthday from December 16th to October 16th. There are many reasons for the change, December is a really busy month. No one has a free weekend to celebrate or go to lunch. Everyone is broke and some folks are downright cranky about it. I happen to love October. I love everything about it. I love the weather and I love Halloween more than any other holiday thus, it is a natural move. It is close enough to my real birthday to be serious and after three years most people have made the shift. Those of you who are strict traditionalist can go with the December flow but a majority have embraced the change. Here are some fun picts.
Brady wanted to do his own thing this year so he "wrapped" his gift himself and chose the gift himself. Lucky for me it was all items gathered from his room. He is only 6 and does not know yet about the concept of re-gifting. Bless his heart, I got some binoculars, a picture of Jesus, a ring, a giftcard (0 balance), and a compact mirror....see below.
What makes this a great gift is that it is not his to give!! He ran out of special items from his room so he went looking in Kelsey's room. This mirror was a prize from a golf tournament Jim played in and was coveted by all of the kids. There was great gnashing of teeth and almost blood shed trying to decide who would get to have it. Kelsey won the draw and every one else was way bummed. But Brady really wanted me to have something super special so he took a chance and stole it to give to me!!! Kelsey was as surprised as me when I opened it. She wanted it back right then and there. That is why I am laughing so hard in this shot.

End of an Era
A Surprise Trip to Utah
We are crazy fortunate that Jim has such a great boss (Jerry Moyes) he invited Jim and I to attend a fundraiser dinner for Operation Kids in Utah. Even luckier than that he invited our kids to go so they could hang out with their cousins for a few hours. We flew up in his jet and Jim and I went to the dinner and met my parents there while Cami picked up the kids and took them to Ogden to play with the cousins. They even got to meet baby Jake for the first time. It is so fun to fly up to see family even if it is only for a few hours. We flew back home again after the dinner and we were sad to go because it had just started to snow. Hope we get to do it again sometime, I could get used to that kind of lifestyle. Brady has never flown commercial but he has been on the private jet I think three times!!! Thank you Moyes family for including us.

Operation Kids Event
My parents got to go with us to the Operation Kids fundraiser dinner. They really did a superb job and raised a lot of money for their charity. I was really happy because I got to meet John Walsh (the honoree for the evening). For those of you who don't know, John's 6 year old son Adam was kidnapped and killed several years ago. To his credit, Mr. Walsh turned his anger and sadness into help for other families of the same kinds of tragic circumstances. He started the National Center for Missing Children and is the host of America's Most Wanted. I was very young when his son was taken and I remember clearly sobbing as I watched the movie based on the incident, he has been a hero of mine ever since. What an amazing person. We also got a chance to meet 'President Palmer from the TV show 24'. He was hosting the evening.

Leaving on a Jet Plane
We had such a great time. Thanks to all my sibs that entertained my kids while we were at the fundraiser. They had a blast even if it was only for a few hours. For those of you who want to see what they did you have to go to Trish's blog. I think Cami and Trish took over 100 pictures in 3 hours. We left happy and exhausted.

Pumpkins Smell Gross
Brady could not remember anything about carving pumpkins from last year. When we took the lid off he got one whiff of the inside and essentially was done. He went white and said, "I think I am going to puke." I threatened that if he didn't take the insides out we couldn't carve the front.....and he was fine with that. He said he would just draw the face on. Notice below at how hard he tried to get those guts out---one seed at a time. After about 2 seeds he couldn't take it anymore and left to shoot hoops. The verdict, "pumpkins are gross!" Happy Halloween.

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