Sunday, August 31, 2008

Brady Waterskis!!

Brady took a turn at water skiing. He just about chickened out until he saw Kelsey get up and then he just wanted to get up and ski farther than Kelsey.
I think this is my all time favorite picture of the summer. Ty is so excited he made it up and look at Brady's face! This is the first time he has ever even put skis on his feet and this was his very first pull. I might have to put this one up on the wall.
His form wasn't great but he skied like this about the length of a football field.
Here is a great shot of the crash down.
Look how happy. He said, "that was so awesome!!" I asked if he wanted to do it again, and he said, "no, I skied farther than Kelsey". I really must learn to harness and use this competitive spirit. I had no idea.

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