Friday, August 22, 2008

Back to School

I am very excited to announce that all of the Stone kids are back in school!!! This is the first year that all of the kids are in school for a full day. It feels like Christmas! I don't know whether to shop, go to lunch, or just be productive at home. All of the kids gave the first and second weeks of school a thumbs up, so that is great news.

Carly started Jr. High this year and is loving it. Her favorite thing is not wearing uniforms every day. She is very earth conscious and so she rides her bike to school every day even though the weather is still about 112 degrees.

Kelsey started fourth grade and is very happy to be back in the social swing of things!
Brady is in first grade and is happy to be going to school all day. He asked what I

will be doing since he is gone all day so I asked back, "what do you think

I will do all day?" He said, "probably laundry." Luckily I have not

glamorized my life too much in front of my children.


Brandice said...

Krista! I am glad to see another post on your blog. I was wondering how you guys are doing down there in the heat. I can't believe how much Carly looks like you -- especially that expression. And I am right there with you being the "laundry moms".... or NOT if we don't feel like it! Hooray for "Christmas"!

Candice said...

Freedom for you...yeah! I'm not sure that I will ever enjoy the luxury of "What should I do today?". The rate I am going, I will be sixty before all my kids are in school...what was I thinking!? You should make daily posts of what it is you DO decide to do with all that time. :)

Dina said...

You have them brainwashed well...heh. Keep it going, b/c my kids are now painfully aware I don't do laundry or clean while they are gone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for FINALLY making a new post! Kelsey has a huge bag, it is bigger than she is. Carly in Jr.High? WHAT? Did you cry?